Thanks for your businesses in 2022. We are ready for 2023 to do even better.

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

2022, It has not just been a year full of profits and great achievements, but most importantly, a year full of incredible relationships and new learning opportunities for our team and we hope for you too.

None of this could have been possible without you and our partners.

This year bring us so a lot of innovative solutions that it will be difficult to list them all but let us point you out some of them:

Epicor bring us multiple new releases, you can learn more about the latest one here

A lot of new functionalities have been also added to Epicor Kinetic, if we had to take only two, we will select Epicor CPQ , a great solution for our customers to Quote and Configure and to increase their sales and Automation Studio, an automation platform powered from our one of our other partners Workato.

Workato has continue to extend their Enterprise Automation platform to help our customers to automate their processes in all their company. A lot of what they did can be found in their "Workato Wire", visit the latest edition of December 2022 to learn about it.

FastClose offer to all our Epicor Cloud customers the possibility to use all their nice reporting functionalities they were already offering since years to our on-prem customers.

But they have done so a lot of more. You can read about it here

We hope you have enjoyed some of those new functionalities and if not, we are sure they will help you in 2023.

Thank you for making this year so special for us.

We hope to continue working with you with the same verve and vigor in the coming years.

Wish you a happy and fulfilling new year 2023!